Driving with your dog  might seem harmless. But vets say this can actually be unsafe.  Here are 3 must-know reasons why you shouldn't ever let your dog stick its head out the window.

Driving with Your Pup?  ߚ? 

Hi Carol!  :)

We've all driven our dogs, and we all know how much dogslove sticking their heads out the window. 

But take care — this simple puppy pleasure can actually be dangerous! Here are 3 important reasons your dog should never stick their head out the window of a moving vehicle.  

In doggy love,  
Dog Pawty

1. Road debris can hurt your pup. 

Roads are imperfect! Pebbles and other material on the road can chip your window, ding your hood...and injure your dog!


2. Flapping isn't good for dog's ears!

That familiar sound of your dog's ears flapping in the wind? That could also be the sound of your dog getting injured! Repeated flapping can lead to swelling and scarring of a dog's sensitive ears. 


3. Dogs can squeeze through car windows. 

Most dogs can squeeze through smaller openings than you might expect - often through a hole just large enough to fit their head!  No dog owner wants their pup jumping into a busy street. 


The best way to keep your dog safe during car trips... 

...is to invest in a carrier or doggy seat belt. When your dog is buckled in, they can safely enjoy the cool breeze from the open window... so you can open the window wide, without fear of your pup jumping out! 
Click here to check out our best-selling premium dog seat beltߐ?