

Deceased: April 25, 2023

Dearest Kaiber,

It has taken me to the weekend to be able to sit down to write this. Since you left us on Tuesday it’s been a hard week. We are all grief stricken with your passing. We all miss you dearly. The pain doesn’t stop. Your three girls have been unsettled ever since – very hyper, vocal, and clingy. They really miss their brother. They really need your wise and calm persona to settle them down. Mom and dad need it as well. 

We can’t stop thinking about all the joy and happiness you brought to everyone. When we first met you as a very young pup with your sister Kaiah, we said goodbye when we took her home and it was only a few months later when your granddad posted that unbelievably adorable picture of you sitting on that white garden chair – dad said “how can anyone say no to him – gotta get him and spoil him with love”. We drove for 7 hours to pick you up. Kaiah was thrilled out of her skin, and Dale – while she was a bit of a tough cookie for Kaiah to manage, you were a natural and had her fully engaged with everyone in no time.

In time you showed us some incredible talents among which included your amazing agility – you should have been in a show with Cirque du Soleil as your acrobatic ability would always make us look on in awe and question how such movement was even possible, and with such speed and precision! You are the most entertaining personality we have ever been graced with. Always coming up with these wild ideas and games, and making people split their sides laughing. Then you could change modes and cuddle up. It didn’t matter whether you were stretched across our legs or on something soft – you always were content to stay close and connected. It’s that loving connection that we won’t forget, especially for your mom. The night that you signalled to us that something was wrong with mom and your effort to physically protect her, sticking to her like glue along with that deeply sad look on your face. I knew that you were telling us that something was seriously wrong. If you hadn’t done that we wouldn’t have pressed the cancer specialists the next day to operate on her when their imagery suggested she wasn’t at risk. You simply saved her life. You were right that she wasn’t safe – she had very advanced cancer that the equipment couldn’t detect.

It’s getting to be dinner time about now and one cannot forget your passion for food – your favorite as is mine – pizza, and your unique preference for spicy food. Spicy butter chicken with rice and peas – the spicier the better. That sound of you smacking your teeth together because of how hot it was and you would just want more. We always loved sharing meals with you. We have been giving the girls your portion now letting them know it’s from you – cause you would always share with the pack. Dad has to figure out what to make tonight. No surprise that we don’t have much of an appetite because we’re missing you so much. We need to spend some time thinking of your comforting presence to get refocused. Perhaps everyone will get your other favorite tonight – cheese. Will pass on your hugs and kisses to them and of course your portion.

We all miss you Kaiber and won’t forget you. We will dream of the day that we can be together again and think of all the fun we can have…and that handsome smile on your face!

Love you always Fancy Pants,

Mom, Dad, and the girls