Should we Spay or Neuter?

Reasons Why you should spay or neuter

1. Why contribute to pet overpopulation? If every dog had even one litter, there would be an overwhelming strain on the lack of dog owners and shelter provider problems.

2.  If you have your "one" litter, be prepared to care for the resulting pups for the rest of their lives. As it is now, many dogs are euthanized each year as they never find a forever home. Would you want your puppies being in this situation? If not, be prepared to keep and look after every puppy born. As a responsible breeder, you must be prepared to take back or put down even adults if they require a home when things do not work out for their owners for any reason. If you bring them into this world, you should be responsible for them.

3.  Breeding does not improve the pets personality or temperament, training and sound consistent care does! But spay or neutering usually results in a calmer and more well balanced animal as the hormonal waves are eliminated. The unwanted sexual or destructive behaviour like mounting, escaping, urinating everywhere to mark territory, and destruction usually disappears.

4.  Are you aware of the dangers for your female that is not spayed?

     - Breast cancer risk increases after the first heat by 90%
     - Heat cycle puts you dog at risk of uterine infection.
     - If not spayed, after 4 yrs, pyometria or endometriosis risk increases by   50-70%
     - Escaping pets in heat can cause unwanted pregnancy and worse loss, death or injury
     - Spay surgery is more difficult after a heat or pregnancy due to the increased blood supply

5. Males too will escape to seek out neighbourhood gals in heat if not neutered also putting them at risk for injury, loss or death.

6. If having a litter you think is for the "life experience" for your children, then think of the experience they will have if the female has to have a c-section or dies, or the pups die. This is not the heartwarming experience you had planned on. Not all litters are whelped easily nor all pups raised effortlessly. Nor does this turn out to be a good method to teach your children responsibility. These pups future is at stake as the first few months of a puppies life moulds the personality and sociability of them. It is a task that should not be taken lightly.

Reasons why not to neuter or spay

You cannot show a spayed or neutered dog in CKC conformation shows, only breed specialties. However, a spayed or neutered dog can compete in Rally, Obedience, Agility and all the activity sports as Sledding, hunt trials just to mention a few.